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Blu-Ray : Highly Recommended
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Release Date: June 1st, 2010 Movie Release Year: 2009

Life (U.K. Version)

Overview -

From the award-winning BBC Natural History Unit, makers of Planet Earth and The Blue Planet: Seas of Life, this is the original UK broadcast version of Life, with narration by renowned naturalist David Attenborough and music by Oscar® and Emmy® winning composer George Fenton In Planet Earth, we brought you the world as you’ve never seen it before. Now, get closer with Life. Four years in the making, filmed over 3000 days, across every continent and in every habitat, with breathtaking new high definition filming techniques developed since Planet Earth, Life presents 130 incredible stories from the frontiers of the natural world, 54 of which have never been filmed before. Packed with excitement, revelation and entertainment, this remarkable 10-part blockbuster captures unprecedented, astonishingly beautiful sequences and demonstrates the spectacular and extraordinary tactics animals and plants have developed to survive and thrive.

Highly Recommended
Rating Breakdown
Tech Specs & Release Details
Technical Specs:
Four-Disc Set
Video Resolution/Codec:
Aspect Ratio(s):
Audio Formats:
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 Surround
Spanish Subtitles
Special Features:
Release Date:
June 1st, 2010

Storyline: Our Reviewer's Take


The BBC series 'Planet Earth' was monumental filmmaking. Never before had we seen such intimate portraits of the world's animal kingdom photographed in stunning high definition. Now, the BBC has done it again, piecing together a broad work of living art that was three years in the making. The result is 'Life,' and it continues where 'Planet Earth' left off.

The Narration

For reasons completely unknown to me, 'Life' employs different narrators for its U.K. and U.S. versions. When the miniseries aired on the Discovery Channel in the U.S. in a 10-part television event, the voice of Oprah Winfrey accompanied the images. The same thing happened with the U.S. version of 'Planet Earth,' with Sigourney Weaver doing the narration. Here, as in 'Planet Earth,' David Attenborough is once again the smooth-voiced British narrator. Why the BBC feels the need to replace him with a more Americanized voice for a U.S. audience is a mystery to most everyone.

Most of the decision on which version to buy will come down to narration alone. Attenborough is a skilled narrator who has been perfecting his craft for decades. He's perfect at describing various scenes without his voice becoming the primary focus. Having watched the U.S. version on the Discovery Channel, I can attest that Oprah's voice almost overtakes what happens on screen. Her intonation and silly joke deliveries come across as ridiculous and hammy. Attenborough pulls off the narration calmly, and lets nature play out in the foreground as he slowly navigates the story in the background. He wins hands-down in the Who Is A Better Narrator? contest. If your deciding factor on which version to buy comes down to quality of narration, the BBC version is the version for you.

In an effort to bring you the most in-depth review of 'Life' (BBC Version), we're going to take you through each and every episode, noting the highlights, and what you can expect to see, hear, and experience. We'll also discuss the "On Location" specials that air after each episode, which detail a specific shoot and describe how the cameramen were able to get so close to their subjects.

Challenges of Life

What a way to begin this 10-part epic program! "Challenges of Life" shows exactly how tough it is to survive in the most hostile and remote regions on earth. Animals have developed all sorts of interesting and deadly advantages to stay alive. From dolphins who herd fish into their own mouths with walls of silt stirred up from the ocean floor to Capuchin monkeys who have figured out how to use rudimentary tools, "Challenges of Life" is one of the best and most far-reaching episodes in the series. Because it covers just about every animal family, many of which are later examined in more depth as the series goes on, it's a perfect starting point to really get us invested in what is to come. Be advised, though, that many of the stories used during "Challenges of Life" are recycled throughout the series, such as the dolphins herding fish in Florida Bay, which also can be seen in "Hunters and the Hunted."

"Life On Location": Antarctica – The 'Life' crew follows a pack of killer whales that have specifically adapted to life in the Antarctic, hoping to catch for the first time ever their hunting techniques.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Wonder and a bit of whimsy inhabit the world of reptiles and amphibians. Pebble toads are able to make themselves go rigid and fall from great heights to get away from predators. A lizard is nicknamed the Jesus Christ Lizard for its ability to run across water. Maybe the most wondrous and frightening section of the episode comes when we see first hand how ruthless and murderous komodo dragons can be when they are driven by hunger. Drool hanging from their lips, blood dripping from their mouths, komodo dragons are awe-inspiring creatures that truly look like they were transplanted here from prehistoric times. Their hunting of a wildebeest is one of the most emotional segments produced during the series.

"Life On Location": Komodo Island – Fitting that the "On Location" segment covers the shoot of the komodo dragon hunt. 'Life' is the first production ever to film such an event, and it's interesting to hear the cameramen talk about how difficult it was to film objectively. They became emotionally attached to the wildebeest as it slowly dies. Even though this is nature, it's hard to watch something so helpless be attacked and devoured without doing anything to help it. We empathize with the cameramen, because it's hard not to feel exactly as they do while watching it all unfold during the episode.


On to the world of milk, fur, and social interaction. The world of mammals is a diverse one, and the way it's depicted here is stunning in scope. From impossible migrations and millions of reindeer to the desperate search for food from polar bears, we discover being a mammal isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. This episode contains some of the most beautiful photography seen in the entire series. A magnificently composed shot of a waterfall as the camera pans over it is one of my all-time favorite shots in 'Life.' It is only topped by a spectacular shot of millions of bats flying against a background of flashing lightening, which could be paused at any time and used as a pristine, breathtaking still photo.

Unfortunately, "Mammals" also contains a major weakness that seems to pervade these amazing BBC documentaries: The insertion of downright silly sound effects. Why the filmmakers feel the need to make a chase between an elephant shrew and hungry lizard sound like a cross between a car chase and an episode of the 'Looney Toons' featuring Speedy Gonzales, I'll never know. These hammed up sound effects happened a few times during 'Planet Earth,' but were forgivable for the most part. This egregious example, however, is just plain silly and turns a harrowing life-and-death ordeal into something seemingly trivial and jovial.

Sometimes, though, humor is a welcome respite from the gruesome and oft-times gory outcomes of the animal kingdom. Watching meerkats fall over while nodding off is laugh-out-loud funny, and rightly so. No silly sound effects needed here; just some good old-fashioned hilarity provided by nature herself.

"Life On Location": Western Pacific Ocean – Even after watching this in-depth documentary on how the 'Life' crew was able to capture the mating rituals of humpback whales, it's difficult to fathom how hard it must be to track a group of whales, all the while hoping they'll perform as expected. Much of this "On Location" piece is about how the cameramen were able to get such spectacular shots underwater. Holding their breath for up to two minutes is impressive, especially when you factor in they are swimming only a few feet away from animals that weigh 40 tons and are jockeying for head mating position with six other 40-ton whales. "Occupational hazard" doesn't even begin to cover it.


Opening on a spectacular shot of a surfer riding a monstrous wave, this episode goes beneath the waves and gives us insight into what lives there. Forget 3D glasses in the theaters; some of these perfectly composed shots of swaying seaweed and underwater plants create some of the best 3D effects I've ever seen. The patented high definition slow motion used by the BBC is in full swing here as flying fish skim over the water like tiny blue missiles. "Fish" covers a variety of creatures inhabiting the seas of the world, from strong, gigantic predators such as sharks and sail fish to delicate weedy sea dragons that look like they would break if you touched them. Undulating schools of fish dodging predators makes for an awe-inspiring look into the life and survival tactics of schooling fish.

Having worked in an exotic fish store during my teenage years, I've always been fascinated with coral reefs and the inhabitants that call such an enivronment home. There's no shortage of coral reef footage here, with colorful fish and animals all trying their best to stay alive. Long tracking shots provide dazzling views of the reefs. "Fish" is a strong entry in this series, featuring the beautiful and truly bizarre life forms that live in the sea.

"Life On Location": Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico & Eastern Caribbean – Covering two shoots at once, this "On Location" takes us on a ride with the team that had the pleasure of shooting sail fish hunting schools of sardines. Sail fish can swim up to 60 mph, and it was all the cameramen could do to keep up with the fish as they sliced and diced through the water, darting after their prey. On the other side of the Caribbean, another 'Life' camera crew tries to capture flying fish in action, as well as get a glimpse of their mating rituals. Let's just say flying fish don't care where they lay their eggs. Any piece of debris floating in the water will do, even the crew's boat. This is one of the funnier "On Location" pieces, that's for sure.


The "Birds" segment is equal parts amazing and disturbing. Watching flocks of birds fly in high definition is a sight to see, but when those great white pelicans start eating chicks from other birds straight out of their nests, you can't help but feel horrified.

"Birds" does, in fact, use a few bits of footage that originally can be found on 'Planet Earth' during the "Birds of Paradise" episode. Only a few quick shots are recognizable, but it's still a little strange to reuse footage.

The real treat housed here is the story of the lammergeier, a vulture-like bird who has a nine-foot wingspan and eats bones. Just weird. I never knew this bird existed until now. That's the beauty of 'Life,' and it's main goal, I presume - introduce you to animals and behaviors you didn't know existed. A bird that swallows bones was completely unknown to me, but when I saw it, I was floored.

Even though "Birds" reuses a few shots from 'Planet Earth,' it does introduce you to some of the strangest and most astounding behavior exhibited by birds throughout the world. Just wait until you meet the bird that builds mansions for its mates, complete with floral decorations.

"Life On Location": Panama – This "On Location" feature follows the 'Life' camera crew deep into the Panamanian jungle to search for Vogelkop Bowerbirds and their elaborate displays that they construct out of flowers, colorful fungus, and sometimes deer dung. The Volekops are amazing florists and interior decorators, and it all has to do with their mating ritual. The bird with the best display wins a mate. Much like the "Birds of Paradise" "On Location" feature from 'Planet Earth,' this shows exactly how much patience it takes for a cameraman to sit in a "hide" all day to get a few shots worth using.


"Insects" covers all creepy crawly things with six legs. It's hard to believe that for every one of us there's 200,000 insects. On the other hand when you see the swarm of, literally, billions of monarch butterflies, it may not be that hard to believe. From the everyday honey bee to exotic bugs that give new meaning to "chemical warfare," this segment may get under a few people's skin. Many bugs just aren't pretty, and when I see weird-looking insects with jaws that look like they could rip off my hand, I shiver, and think of that part in 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' where Willie Scott has to stick her hand through that hole filled with all kinds of nightmarish bugs. "Insects" features a beetle battle royale and a deadly dawson bee gang rape, where reproducing becomes a quite deadly affair. But, where there's ugliness in the insect kingdom, there's also beauty. Swarms of monarch butterflies cascading around the forests of Mexico is one of the most amazing sights in this series.

"Life On Location": Mexico – The 'Life' crew goes on location to a tiny bit of forest in Mexico, only about 60 square miles, where billions of monarch butterflies migrate to get away from the freezing cold winter of Canada. Here we get an idea of just how hard it is getting the perfect shots. The crew has a tough time rigging up cameras in order to get the butterfly's eye view they're looking for. This "On Location" houses some pretty sketchy-looking footage, like it was filmed with a home video camera, but it's not extremely distracting.

Hunters and the Hunted

Sometimes it gets hard to watch helpless animals get eaten over and over in nature programs, but "Hunters and the Hunted" focuses just as much on prey that overcome being eaten by using some very ingenious methods. Watching a young ibex escape from a pursuing fox on sheer rock cliffs surrounding the Dead Sea is intensely heroic. A few fragments of footage that were already seen in "Challenges of Life" are present here. As mentioned above, the bottle-nosed dolphins that herd fish with muddy dust clouds are given a more full story during this episode. Also, the story of the three cheetah brothers that take down an ostrich is replayed here, but longer and with more depth about the cheetah's background.

"Hunters and the Hunted" is equal parts killing, and escaping. We get to see streamlined predators like killer whales in action, but we also get a glimpse into the finely tuned escape plans that different animals have perfected over the years to elude their death.

"Life On Location": Falklands – The first time the 'Life' crew has been in real trouble of affecting the wildlife during their shoot. Trying to film killer whales coming into a shallow bay to snatch elephant seal pups is a daunting task, especially when the seal pups take a liking to them. Always curious, the pups investigate everything they can, even coming close to knocking over a tripod. It's interesting how many times the cameramen, up until this point, have mentioned how attached they become to the animals they're filming, and when one of the pups finally gets snatched, it's an emotional process.

Creatures of the Deep

Having already covered fish in great detail, "Creatures of the Deep" deals more with the invertebrates that inhabit the deepest reaches of the ocean. "Creatures of the Deep" is the first episode to show divers and other filming equipment during it. I felt like this took me out of the episode a little bit. Good thing there's some of the stellar time-lapse photography that's become a trademark of BBC Earth since 'Planet Earth.' Watching carnivorous starfish creep along the ocean floor devouring everything in their path is a bit unnerving, but nonetheless spectacular. The story of the giant Pacific octopus that we sampled in "Challenges of Life," is back. This time we get the full story on how a giant Pacific octopus mother cares for her young, resulting in the ultimate sacrifice.

"Creatures of the Deep" is fascinating, but probably my least favorite of the bunch. The presence of humans more than once during the episode is a little distracting, and takes you out of the world 'Life' has created up until this point.

"Life On Location": Bahamas & Antartica – In the Bahamas location, 'Life' gets ready to sink a boat to create a man-made reef. The crew takes time to prepare the ship by removing anything that could be considered harmful to the ocean's inhabitants. In Antartica, we're given a glimpse of what it's like to film in water under thick ice. The most informational part of this segment is watching how the crew works underwater to set up their cameras so they can shoot time-lapse video.


Starting out with some unbelievable time-lapse photography of the night sky circling over the top of a Bristle Cone Pine, "Plants" begins what is one of the most beautiful episodes in the series. (Yes, even if it is the only one in 1080i). The time-lapse video contained here is the best of the series by far. Time-lapse is just about the only way to watch plants grow, and 'Life' executes it to perfection. One complaint, though: attack of the ridiculous sound effects strikes again. During "Challenges of Life," we were introduced to the venus flytrap and its ability to trap insects for food. Here, we get to see the flytraps again, but this time when a fly lands on them, a timer starts. When time expires and the trap shuts, it sounds like bars closing at a jail. I understand the effect they're going for, but the imagery is enough for anyone. Adding in the sound effects cheapens the experience just a little.

"Life On Location": Studio in England – That's right, some of the stuff during "Plants" had to be filmed in a studio. The continuous shot that shows an entire year of growth and happens in a minute-long tracking shot (which looks almost Tim Burton-esque) took more than two years to create. After photographing the background shot in the wilderness, the crew must recreate the set in the studio so they can have a year-long controlled tracking shot with their own plants placed in. Using blue screen technology they were able to piece the plants together with the background. While I feel a little cheated that the masters of nature documentarians are using CGI techniques to create their own wilderness, it's still a very beautiful shot to behold.


What better way to end the series than to talk about some of the most advanced and intelligent animals on the planet. No matter what your feelings are on evolution, it's easy to see why it's debated. Primates are extremely adaptable, insanely intelligent, and just as curious as humans. They live, hunt, and work together in social groups and are able to live in complex societies without a lone leader. One of the biggest surprises for me during this episode was the realization that primates such as the Japanese macaque are able to live on the top of snow covered mountain tops. Macaques are able to survive in the chilly weather because of their thick fur and because they've found natural hot tubs to soak in. Some of the most spectacular close-up shots of the series happen during the macaques hot tub sequence.

"Life On Location": Guinea – Chimpanzees are our closest relatives. We're informed that we humans share 99 percent of the same genes as chimpanzees. The specific goal of the 'Life' team was to film the chimpanzees using tools in everyday life like when they use long pieces of grass to fish for ants or rocks to crack nuts. Even their understanding of abstract principles like sharing was caught on tape. In the end, primates are always fascinating, but they're always finding ways to surprise us more.

The Blu-ray: Vital Disc Stats

The BBC version, narrated by David Attenborough, comes housed on four 50GB Blu-ray discs totaling a whopping 568 min. of footage. Every segment is in 1080p, although "Plants" remains in 1080i. This is in comparison to the U.S. version narrated by Oprah, which is completely in 1080i.

The packaging of the series is a mixed bag. It comes housed in a nice cardboard case, and has a book feel to it. Once you open it, however, you realize that the discs are being held by cumbersome overlapping trays that seem to never keep the discs in place, and make it difficult to fish out the bottom disc.

While I expected previews on the first disc for other BBC shows like 'Planet Earth,' I didn't expect to get another 'Planet Earth' advertisement on the second disc. Seemed really weird to put an advertisement on the second disc, while the third and fourth discs remained free and clear.

Perhaps the most buggy decision concerning the functionality of the discs is that there is no Episode Selection. The only way to select a single episode, if you don't want to Play All, is to go to the Scene Selection menu and start that episode from its first scene. This is a very confusing and annoying way to do such a simple task. The US Version, in this aspect is far superior. Even though their episode selection is also in the Scene Selection menu, you're still able to pick whole episodes before you have to go through scene by scene.

There are minor differences in cover art between the two sets. In my personal opinion, the simplicity of the U.K. set's cover is far better than the busy U.S. cover.

Video Review


There aren't enough adjectives out there to describe breathtaking 1080p video presentation of 'Life.' (The "Plants" episode, however, is in 1080i.) Like 'Planet Earth,' 'Life' provides a consistently stunning image of nature in high definition. The clarity of some of the tracking shots – through forests, over waterfalls, and above swarms of butterflies – are some of the most amazing bits of photography put onto a Blu-ray disc. This entire presentation, except for a couple of minor soft shots, like the scene with hoards of Mayflies, is one dazzling picture after the next.

The colors; oh the colors! 'Life' runs the gamut of hues and they all shine to perfection. Greens, reds, blues, yellows, all different shades of browns, it's all here. This 1080p transfer accurately portrays the diversity and brilliance that exists in nature. From the golden plumage of the Lammergeier to the changing skin tones of a Cuttlefish, every piece of color is richly rendered.

A few shots, especially some elaborate tracking shots, give off an almost 3D effect that's better than any gimmicky glasses could provide, that's for sure. We always talk about "fine detail" in Blu-ray reviews, but I'm wondering if there's a category above that. Finest detail, maybe? Oh it doesn't matter, because the U.K. version of life, in all its 1080p glory, takes fine detail to a whole other level. Every fine hair, protruding filament, and bristling feather are visible. Aliasing on the edges of mammals, where all the tiny hairs reside, is non-existent. The detail is overwhelming, and you may find yourself rewinding again and again in order to take in the entire scope of what you're seeing. If it were possible to pause the movie and print out what was on screen as a still photo, my house would be covered with beautiful nature photography in no time.

Blacks are deep, though there are just a few times where they seem a tad flat, but that's probably due to the need to switch film equipment back and forth depending on the subject that's being filmed. There are a few parts in the "On Location" features where older video is used, and it's immediately apparent that they got it somewhere else.

Contrast is lovely and stable. Whites are nicely balanced. There is a time during "Hunters and the Hunted" where, after drilling through the ice a diver dives into the dark blue Antarctic waters. The white light coming through the entry hole is extremely overblown and almost distracting, but again, it most likely has to do with the surroundings and circumstances of that particular shot. It's hard to see anything remotely wrong with this video presentation. It's exactly the way you'd expect it to look on Blu-ray. Digital anomalies are nowhere to be found.

Videophiles, nature lovers, and casual fans will all be impressed with this stunning presentation.

Audio Review


'Life's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 audio presentation is enthralling, to say the least. It puts you smack dab in the middle of the action, as waterfalls rush around you or buzzing insects circle over head. It's a lively soundtrack, and you'd expect it to be. Unlike the U.S. version, the narrator doesn't overtake the rest of the sounds with a loud irritating voice. Here Attenborough's reverent narration lends itself much better to the faint sounds of the wilderness happening all the time.

My one big complaint is the cheesy sound effects that are added in every now and then like the Elephant Shrew running for his life sounding like Speedy Gonzales rounding a corner. Or the Venus Flytrap sounding like a prison door being shut in a prisoners face. There's no reason or need for these effects. Thank goodness they're few and far between. That natural beauty and sound is all we need here. We don't need the soundfield hammed up with cartoony effects.

LFE is very generous. Roars, growls, rushing water, all cause the deep, resonant rumbling. Again, ambient sound here is the crowing jewel of this presentation.

Wherever 'Life' takes you, it feels and sounds like you're right there. Even some of the music choices heighten the sense of playfulness, dread, or wonder that's transpiring on screen. The music, produced by George Fenton, and Richard Fiocca, is one of the many highlights of this series. The front channels harbor the bulk of the musical soundtrack, with it bleeding into the rears when it needs to.

While this isn't the most bombastic soundtrack you'll ever hear, it certainly is one of the most refined. For the most part – minus the ridiculous effects – this is a primo audio presentation that is sure to delight anyone who purchases it over the U.S. version.

Special Features


Sadly, it looks as if the "The Making of 'Life'" and the deleted scenes that are found on the U.S. version are nowhere to be found here. Very strange, and very annoying. Just when we thought the only difference was narration, all these little differences are starting to add up into a reasonable debate on which version to pick up.

  • "Life On Location" (HD, 100 min.) – We've already talked about these in-depth featurettes in the Movie Itself section. Because they automatically play after the episodes, I felt yhey were more a part of the overall experience, rather than just supplemental. Just to recap, there are 10 "On Location" features in all, and they all run roughly 11 minutes or so.

Final Thoughts

David Attenborough all the way for me. I watched 'Life' when it premiered on Discovery, and truthfully, Oprah was just the wrong person to narrate it. Why they keep switching up narrators for these BBC documentaries is a mystery. The U.K. version has the best narration by far, and for those high-def purists, the U.K. version is in 1080p, while the U.S. version is in 1080i.

The video is tremendous, like we all expected it to be. There's nothing much more to say about it. You'll be astonished at some of the photography and shots that the 'Life' team accomplished. The time-lapse photography is a marvel in its own right. Sound comes across just as clear and precise as the video. Attenborough's narration carries you away into the world of nature and animals; a master of his craft.

The U.K. version does have its quirks, but sacrificing some disc functionality, as explained in the Disc Vitals section, to get Attenborough's narration is a choice I'm willing to make. The U.K. version of 'Life' comes very highly recommended. Another stellar presentation by the masters of nature shows, BBC Earth.