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Release Date: September 29th, 2009 Movie Release Year: 2008


Overview -

At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. After seven years of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far apart that Catherine wishes she had never married. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces--he as firefighter and she as the public relations director of a hospital. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day experiment he calls 'The Love Dare.' Wondering if it's even worth the effort, Caleb agrees, but more for his father's sake more than for his marriage. When Caleb discovers the book's daily challenges are tied into his parents' newfound faith, his already limited interest is further dampened. While trying to stay true to his promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. He finally asks his father, 'How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?' When his father explains that this is the love God shows to us, Caleb makes a life- changing commitment to love God. And--with God's help--he begins to understand what it means to truly love his wife. But is it too late to fireproof his marriage? His job is to rescue others. Now Caleb Holt is ready to face his toughest job ever--rescuing his wife's heart.

For Fans Only
Rating Breakdown
Tech Specs & Release Details
Technical Specs:
Region Free
Video Resolution/Codec:
1080p/AVC MPEG-4
Aspect Ratio(s):
Audio Formats:
Portuguese Dolby TrueHD 5.1
Special Features:
Music Video
Release Date:
September 29th, 2009

Storyline: Our Reviewer's Take


Love is like a pair of salt and pepper shakers. Love is like everyone and their mother not wearing their wedding bands. Love is a force that drives a man to smash his own computer. Love is a feeling only attainable through God.

After watching 'Fireproof,' I'm not even sure if I'm being sarcastic anymore.

From the same church and writing/directing brotherly duo that brought us 'Facing the Giants' comes another far fetched tale of everything failing, until belief and trust in the Lord changes everything in wonderful ways.

Caleb (Kirk Cameron) and Catherine (Erin Bethea) Holt's marriage is nearing its end, with neither feeling appreciated or respected by their spouse. Caleb's job as a firefighter brings him daily stress, as failing his job may cost lives, and his patience for not being appreciated at home has caused a rift that seems impossible to repair. Impossible, that is, until Caleb's father John (Harris Malcom) challenges him to fight for his marriage using a booklet containing a guide on how to treat his wife for the next forty days. The "Love Dare" also happens to be based in faith and scripture. Failure seems inevitable as Caleb doesn't put his all into the program, but with the death of his marriage becoming more evident with every passing day, his commitments and beliefs will be tested.

I can't help but feel a bit of deja vu here, and not just because of the striking similarities between 'Fireproof' and 'Giants.' In recent years, tales of pastors preaching for their congregation to procreate daily for a month have been met with great success, with couples getting reconnected, strengthening the bond, and possibly leading to new elements in a relationship if conception occurs (which also helps the church grow). It seems 'Fireproof' is the polar opposite of this experiment, with a trial of random tasks aiming to make one feel more connected to their spouse by all means non-physical, with bible verses attached for good measure.

'Fireproof' fails for all the same reasons as 'Facing the Giants.' There was no obvious growth between films for the Sherwood Baptist Church and the writer/director duo of Alex and Stephen Kendrick, no learning from past mistakes. It's almost as if the men behind this film felt that no improvement would be necessary, no effort need be made, that a minimal amount of money, and a strong, possibly overbearing Christian message would lead to great box office success and DVD sales.

I can't help but again be deeply put off by the film, as it uses heavy handed tactics to force a message rather than inspire, despite what the cover states ("The #1 inspirational movie in America!"). There is no moment in this film that doesn't lead towards an obvious resolution, from the tagline that is muttered numerous times ("You never leave your partner behind!") that will obviously have an impression on the final act of the film, to the fact that countless random and normal conversations all transition to deep discussions of faith. I nearly cringed when Caleb's father stated he'd send him the help he needs in the mail, as I whole-heartedly expected a minute long zoom in shot on an envelope with an address to send off to, like it were a commercial. In a way, that's all the film is.

As for another story element. I never knew that pornography was so, so evil, such a drain on a relationship, to the point that even having a computer will lead one to visit smut sites, so the only solution to the situation is to smash the computer with a baseball bat, not install child filters or learn self control. It's almost as if the film wants to preach that the entire internet is evil, as even mundane sites showing pictures of boats Caleb wants to buy prompt sexual popups. Ironically, the end of the film contains a link to a website for the film. I can't help but feel that I'm being preached a mixed message here...

It doesn't matter, really, as that's just one of a thousand flaws in the film. From the cheesy back and forth cuts of two conversations merging as one that go on for about ten cuts too long, to an abandoned cross setting that looks like a sacrifice would be a more likely occurrence than a prayer circle, to the fact that a firefighter would be unlikely to have an average of twenty candles per room (I did the math, it's closer to twenty three), or the manner in which Catherine is portrayed, how she easily shuns any outreach to her, how she has thoughts and actions of infidelity, and how she repeatedly walks away from people who are in the middle of talking to her and trying to help her, I just couldn't find reason to like this film, or see it as anything more than a piece of religious propaganda that only aims for satisfaction inside the church walls. Marriages can be saved without religion. Marriages can be based on love without religion. Divorces happen, even to Christians. People change, and sometimes things honestly aren't worth fighting for. This film and its plot points just seem all too contrived and convenient to appeal to anyone not already singing in the choir.

Video Review


'Fireproof' arrives on Blu-ray with a 1080p transfer in the AVC MPEG-4 encode that is more than sufficient, and even sparkles occasionally, but it has a few serious flaws.

Kirk Cameron is one dedicated actor. To headline a film while suffering from a bad case of jaundice takes real devotion to the work. Ah, wait, I was wrong. Kirk Cameron didn't have any jaundice during the filming of 'Fireproof'...but he sure looks that way, thanks to a an ugly yellow smear inhabiting his skin in nearly every scene he's in.

Colors are vibrant and powerful, perhaps to the point of overkill. Edges are clean, and detail shines through in every sequence, with no signs of DNR or other manipulation. I found numerous sequences that were very strong in portraying minute details, even at a distance. Sadly, there were also numerous scenes that were very two dimensional and flat, a few softer shots, and poor delineation.

Audio Review


While 'Fireproof' was solid, though flawed, in the video department, the audio end of the disc is a bit more problematic. The Dolby TrueHD 5.1 mix afforded this release is acceptable, at best. A lazy effort trying to float by on the bare minimum.

Spoken word has a a pretty good percentage when it comes to comprehendible words versus those that were a real pain to make out...but really, there were far too many words that were mumbly or just lost in the shuffle. There are a few occasions of localized sounds coming from rear speakers, like radio noise, an incoming train, or the movement of fire trucks, and a few bits of movement (also from the fire trucks), but for the most part, surround speakers are not engaged all too thoroughly here. In fact, they're somewhat ignored, with countless scenes that should have a crowded audio aesthetic being barren and devoid of odd noises. Bass levels are also near dead, with the only true activity coming in the rumble of the fire engines, or in a flaming house.

Bottom line, this is a talker, with a few dramatic sequences thrown in to show Caleb doing his job (otherwise portraying him as a fireman would have been just too silly). Still, I expect talkers to have at least clear dialogue, and on more than a few occasions, that isn't the case here.

Special Features


While 'Facing the Giants' had an average sized supplement package, 'Fireproof' is loaded with extras. Many are a bit repetitive, but that's another story.

  • Audio Commentary - With Alex and Stephen Kendrick. The brothers discuss the real life purposes of many sets in the film, from one house being used to represent numerous other houses that shelter visiting missionaries, Georgian firefighter schedules, the drifting apart of relationships, candle symbolism throughout the film (that totally fails, honestly), the casting of Mr. Rudolph, firefighter duties, real (as compared to fake) dialogue, and go in depth with lots of gospel talk.
  • Deleted Scenes (HD, 13 min) - With optional introduction by Alex Kendrick that explains why the scenes were axed, like he wanted to spare their feelings or something. The scenes cover deodorant discussion, comparisons between God and Spider-Man that were actually funny (why delete the only funny scene in the film?), further proof the Catherine character is massively unpleasant, Caleb doing his best autistic impression (I'm not even joking) and talking to inanimate objects and flirty doctors. A few scenes shouldn't have been cut, I'll admit that much.
  • Firegoofs/Jokes and Pranks (HD, 7 min) - Why not just call a gag reel a gag reel? This, fans, is a gag reel, full of the standard gag reel material. Why do I keep saying gag reel?
  • Behind the Scenes (HD, 23 min) - This feature is loaded with thoughts on the film(s), from the cast and crew, and with religious thoughts and shots of prayer. I could only take so much of this one before moving on. Why not just call it "worship montage," both of the film and of God?
  • Marriage Matters (HD, 7 min) - "We believe marriage is under attack in America today." So is that the point of the film? Evil divorces inspired from evil forces? From the words of the crew here, I'd tend to believe such. I'll take the high road here, and just not say anything, instead of saying something "not nice."
  • 'Fireproof' in 60 (HD, 1 min) - With director introduction. This shouldn't be so funny, but it truly is. The film is sped up, to play the point of the film in a minute, for, as Kendrick explains, those in need of a 'Fireproof' fix, who don't have two hours to spend. Wouldn't that be an addiction? Aren't addictions to physical items akin to idolatry?
  • Wayne on Wayne (HD, 3 min) - This feature is an interview with Stephen Dervan in his Wayne Floyd character, discussing himself. This Jar Jar Binks character (read: intended to be comedic relief, but it backfires terribly) really isn't worth three minutes.
  • Love Dare Promo (HD, 5 min) - Want more advertisements for the "Love Dare" experiment? Here you go! This ad is exactly that, an attempt to get viewers who enjoyed the film to buy the book co-authored by the Kendricks.
  • Filming a Movie in 30 Days: 'Fireproof' Video Blog (HD, 20 min) - From divine inspiration (no thoughts come from within!), to the evolution (*gasp*) of the acting and production, training for the roles, and on to shooting the film, this feature is a far superior behind the scenes feature than the one found earlier in the supplement package. Possibly the best extra on the disc.
  • Trailers (HD) - A trailer for 'Facing the Giants.' Oddly, there is no trailer for 'Fireproof.'

A note to Christian movie makers... after a pornographic pop up on a computer, don't have someone fighting their urges grunting "why is it so hard?!?!" It just does not sound right. Also, one can have a computer and not view porn. One doesn't need to smash it. They're pretty good for this thing called email, or reading reviews at HighDefDigest. Anyways, 'Fireproof' is anything but fireproof, sporting middling audio and video for a bad, bad film. I'd prefer to take my religious advertisements in twenty two second doses by means of commercials, not by two hour long sermons. That, and I'd prefer a film with a plausible story line.